Usman has embarked on Hajj and Umrah Tours as a Group Leader and Religious Guide, providing practical support to the pilgrims and exclusive lectures in Makkah and Madinah. He has also delivered interactive Hajj Seminars for institutions such as Sunnah Tours, Council of British Hajjis and others. He has also prepared a bespoke multimedia presentation to help you prepare for Hajj by providing an overview of the Fiqh of Al-Hajj from the Maḏhahib (Schools of Thought in Islamic Law) along with practical and spiritual tips for before, during and after the Pilgrimage; All Praise and Thanks to Allah .
If you would like Group Leader/ Religious Guide for your Hajj and Umrah journey or if you wish to set up a Pilgrimage Seminar for your group, get in touch:
Thank you!
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