Al-Qaradaghi: Global Zakat Worth $3tr+

Professor Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi stands as one of the most prominent scholars in the field of Islamic Finance today. Among his many areas of expertise, his work on Zakat is particularly fascinating and deeply inspirational. He describes Zakat as a “miraculous system” and estimates its potential annual worth at a staggering $3.375 trillion worldwide. Dr. Al-Qaradaghi asserts that, if collected, managed, and distributed effectively, Zakat has the power to address the world's greatest challenges, eradicating poverty and ensuring a just and equitable society.
Dr. Al-Qaradaghi’s immense contributions to the field of Zakat build upon the foundations laid by other luminaries, such as Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, whose seminal 750-page work, "Fiqh Al-Zakat: A Comparative Study of the Rules, Regulations, and Philosophy of Zakat" (1999), remains one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject. This encyclopedic text was a personal inspiration for me during my academic journey. A close friend and teacher gifted me a copy years ago, which became a pivotal reference in my dissertation. It motivated me to delve deeply into contemporary Zakat matters while staying anchored to classical Islamic sources.
Zakat's Untapped Potential
Despite Zakat's estimated $3.375 trillion annual worth, its full potential as a transformative force remains underutilised. The current challenges lie in ensuring efficient collection, transparent management, and impactful distribution. Today, more than ever, we must work to bridge this gap, unlocking the vast social and economic benefits Zakat is capable of delivering.
My Vision for Zakat
I am now developing a multifaceted approach to Zakat that addresses these pressing challenges and strives to achieve its true vision. By combining classical principles with contemporary insights, my goal is to maximise Zakat’s impact, ensuring it fulfils its divine purpose—empowering individuals, eliminating poverty, and transforming communities worldwide, Insha’Allah.
This renewed focus on Zakat isn’t just about economic relief—it’s about creating a sustainable framework for social justice and development that reflects the beauty and wisdom of Islam.
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